Mojse Rabbénütől Mózes a bölcs államférfiig. Nemzedékek, értékek és történetiség rendje a századforduló magyar nyelvű budapesti zsidó hetilapjaiban

From „our rabbi Moshe” to Moses the wise statesman. Generations, values and Re gimes d’Historicite at the turn of the 19-20th century in the Hungarian-language Jewish press in Budapest At the turn of the 19th-20th century the different Jewish groups in Hungary had to face many challenges. They had to reconcile the demands made by modernity and the majority society with their own group interests. The changing envi-ronment endangered the survival of the group and questioned its basic values. There were big differences in the modernisation strategies of the Jewish groups examined (Neology, Budapest Orthodox, Zionists). I analyse the attitude of the different Jewish trends to history, how they built up their cultural memory and collective consciousness through historical events, and what place this occupied in Hungary at the turn of the 19th-20th century. The most important element in the attitude to history and the self-definition of congress Jewry was magyarifica-tion, belonging to the Hungarian nation and full identification with it. Ortho-dox Jewry in Hungary received the trends to modernity with reservations. The Hungarian-language Orthodox papers formulated these responses in the mirror of the chain of tradition. This means that they seek precedents for the challenges, often regarded by scholarship today as without precedent, in the mirror or reli-gious tradition reaching back to the revelation, and find a way of incorporating them or where no way is found, reject them. The collective consciousness of the Zionists was based on unity, the unity of the Jewish people and opposition to assimilation. In their opinion there is no specifically Hungarian Jewish cause, only a universal Jewish cause. They subordinated their view of history to these conceptions.
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