Epilogue: The Future Act of 2018: New U.S. Law Provides Unlimited Tax Credits to Remove CO2 from Air

On November 2017, the new film “Carbon Negative” was successfully screened in New York City. The film was produced by Patrick Furlotti and John Stember, and directed by this book’s Emmy Award-winning director Paul Atkins; in it one of this book’s authors, Graciela Chichilnisky, explains the global risks we face and the policy implications of carbon negative technologies, including Global Thermostat’s, with its unique ability to remove massive amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere at low cost, effectively reversing global climate change as the U.N. IPCC says is now needed. The New York film screening was followed by a successful QA Senator Calkin also arranged a brief presentation by herself and Chichilnisky at the Rhode Island Senate Chambers on how Global Thermostat and its unique technology could further Rhode Island’s own sustainability goals. It turned out that Sustainability was a hot legislative issue in the U.S. state of Rhode Island…
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