Terms of reference for the environmental and social impact assessment - Technical assistance for development of St Paul river and WAPP integration

The development objectives West Africa Power Pool Fourth Adaptable Program Loan (WAPP APL4) for First Phase of the Cote d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea Power System Re-development Project are (i) to reduce the cost of and increase the electricity supply at utility level, and to increase the export capability of Cote d’Ivoire, and (ii) to increase the technical integration of the WAPP network. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) land clearing, wildlife relocation and peaking pond first-filling management; (ii) aquatic ecology management, including fish and fisheries restoration measures (potentially to include a working fish ladder or fish lift, fish hatchery, protection and/or restoration of spawning areas, etc.); (iii) erosion prevention and sediment management program, including upper watershed management and restoration activities as well as sediment flushing management measures; (iv) determining public health needs and level of support required by resettlers, construction workers, migrant workforce, and host communities within the context, conditions, and parameters prevailing in the project area;(v) cultural heritage management; (vi) hazardous materials and explosives management; (vii) pollution abatement; (viii) topsoil saving management; and (ix) quarry and course aggregates management.
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