Focus and Retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Image Synthesis

Given a target pose, how to generate an image of a specific style with that target pose remains an ill-posed and thus complicated problem. Most recent works treat the human pose synthesis tasks as an image spatial transformation problem using flow warping techniques. However, we observe that, due to the inherent ill-posed nature of many complicated human poses, former methods fail to generate body parts. To tackle this problem, we propose a feature-level flow attention module and an Enhancer Network. The flow attention module produces a flow attention mask to guide the combination of the flow-warped features and the structural pose features. Then, we apply the Enhancer Network to re-fine the coarse image by injecting the pose information. We present our experimental evaluation both qualitatively and quantitatively on DeepFashion, Market-1501, and Youtube dance datasets. Quantitative results show that our method has 12.995 FID at DeepFashion, 25.459 FID at Market-1501, 14.516 FID at Youtube dance datasets, which outperforms some state-of-the-arts including Guide-Pixe2Pixe, Global-Flow-Local-Attn, and CocosNet.
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