Mechanical Modeling of the Human Cricoid Cartilage Using Computer-Aided Design: Applications in Airway Balloon Dilation Research

Objectives:Balloon dilation is generally considered first-line treatment for airway stenosis. Some dilation systems utilize a compliant balloon that can conform around rigid structures. Others use a noncompliant balloon that does not conform, allowing for dilation of more rigid stenoses. We hypothesized that subglottic dilation with a noncompliant balloon increases the likelihood of fracture of the cricoid when compared to a compliant balloon.Methods:Three fresh human cricoid cartilages were placed in a universal testing system to determine the expansile force necessary for cricoid fracture. Using these data, a 3D printer was used to construct a synthetic cricoid model possessing near identical physical characteristics to the human cricoid. Simulated dilation was then performed on the model using a compliant and a noncompliant balloon.Results:Human cricoid fracture occurred at 97.25 N (SD = 8.34), and the synthetic cricoid model fractured at 100.10 N (SD = 7.32). Both balloons fractured the model in every...
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