Multiple structural features are responsible for the nuclease sensitivity of the active ovalbumin gene.

Abstract The ovalbumin gene in chick oviduct nuclei or nucleosomes is digested preferentially by either DNase I or staphylococcal nuclease. Staphylococcal nuclease preferentially cuts between and within core particles of the oviduct ovalbumin gene; thus, the ovalbumin gene is more quickly degraded to mononucleosomes and the DNA within these monomers is digested to a nonhybridizable size significantly faster than the chicken globin gene. Mono- and oligonucleosomes generated by partial staphylococcal nuclease digestion at 0 degrees C, but not at 37 degrees C, retain equal sensitivity to DNase I. Most of this sensitivity persists when histone H1 and most of the non-histone chromosomal proteins are removed with 0.6 M NaCl. On the basis of these observations, we propose that nuclease sensitivity of the oviduct ovalbumin gene is due to covalent modifications of the core histones and that this sensitivity is amplified by interaction of other chromosomal proteins with these modified histones.
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