Relation between hydrogen ion secretion and oxygen consumption by ex vivo isolated canine stomach, perfused with homologous blood.

The relationship between oxygen consumption and acid secretion was studied in 28 totally isolated ex vivo canine stomachs, perfused extracorporeally with homologous blood. Two hundred six 30-min samples of gastric juice and blood were collected for biochemical analysis. Paired values of HCl (microequivalents per minute) and O2 consumption (micromoles per minute) were then analyzed by the method of least squares, using a computer. Linear correlation was calculated between these two values. The correlation coefficient was 0.9518 and the slope of the line was 0.512. The ratio of hydrogen ions produced to oxygen molecules consumed was 1.18 ± 0.53. The range of titratable H+ found in this study was from 0 to 833 μequiv/min and the range of O2 consumed was from 18 to 442 μmol/min.
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