Review of Trademark and Its Enforcement Procedures of Pakistan under TRIPS and Paris Convention

Enforcement of trademark law has been in evolution for decades in Pakistan. Pakistani laws dealing with trademark and its enforcement procedures are Trade Marks Ordinance 2001, Trade Marks Rules 2004, Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan Act 2012 and relevant provisions of Pakistan Penal Code 1860 and Specific Relief Act 1877. Civil procedure is dealt in Pakistan as per Code of Civil Procedure 1908 and criminal procedure as per Code of Criminal Procedure 1898. This article is qualitative method of research analyses trademark and its enforcement procedures of Pakistan as per relevant trademark laws of Pakistan under the light of relevant provisions of Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and Paris Convention. Paris Convention is the first International Convention containing trademark and its enforcement provisions (6-9) as TRIPS is the first International Agreement containing exhaustive provisions on trademark and its enforcement procedures (15-21, 41-61). Part III of TRIPS deals with enforcement of trademark including civil procedure, administrative procedure, provisional measures, border measures and criminal procedure of trademark enforcement. Trademark Registry established under section 9 of Trade Marks Ordinance 2001 and works under Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan) which is a statutory body established under section 3 of Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan Act 2012. The registered trademark owner in Pakistan can avail civil procedure, criminal procedure, administrative procedure as well as provisional and border measures for enforcement of his registered trademark right in Pakistan. TRIPS and Paris Convention have been ratified by Pakistan, but ratification of International Convention and its implementation are two different things. Better enforcement of trademark law may take years to achieve as per relevant provisions of International Conventions therefore designated authorities of Pakistan are required to establish more Trademark Registry branches, more IP Tribunals, appoint and induct more IP experts, examiners in-charge of registration and spread IP awareness throughout Pakistan for betterment of trademark law enforcement in Pakistan.
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