Reference-Frame-Independent, Measurement-Device-Independent quantum key distribution using fewer quantum states

Reference-Frame-Independent Quantum Key Distribution (RFI-QKD) provides a practical way to generate secret keys between two remote parties without sharing common reference frames. On the other hand, Measurement-Device-Independent QKD (MDI-QKD) offers high level of security as it immunes against all the quantum hacking attempts to the measurement devices. The combination of these two QKD protocols, i.e., RFI-MDI-QKD, is one of the most fascinating QKD protocols since it holds both advantages of practicality and security. For further practicality of RFI-MDI-QKD, it is beneficial to reduce the implementation complexity. Here, we have shown that RFI-MDI-QKD can be implemented using fewer quantum states than those of its original proposal. We found that, in principle, the number of quantum states for one of the parties can be reduced from six to three without compromising security. Comparing to the conventional RFI-MDI-QKD where both parties should transmit six quantum states, it significantly simplifies the implementation of the QKD protocol. We also verify the feasibility of the scheme with the proof-of-principle experiment.
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