Sexual adjustment of spinal cord injured veterans living in the community.

Data were gathered from interviews conducted by the investigators with 145 spinal cord injured outpatients from the Veterans Administration Hospital, Bronx, NY. The index of Sexual Adjustment was developed based on factors such as adaptation to sexual limitations, partner satisfaction, sexual self-concept, and regularity of sexual contact. The index was correlated with 21 variables permitting a description of significant factors which are related to successful rehabilitation. Higher scores on the index were significantly and positively associated with better physical function, higher level of income, the roles of worker and community participant, higher morale, injury at an earlier age, younger current age, positive attitudes of self-acceptance and independence. Abstinence from sexual relations as a form of adjustment is also considered. Results of this study support the hypothesis that sexual adjustment is related to psychologic, social and physical factors that are relevant for successful rehabilitation. These findings suggest that sexuality is an integral part of the disabled person's personality and behavior and that adjustment to disability includes a sexual dimension. Language: en
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