Performance enhancement and reduction of exhaust emissions in catalytic converter using the metallic oxide catalysts

The automotive sector is currently developing towards the growth of GDP as well as the richness of most countries which are yet to be developed. Transportation by the means of private vehicles has become a requirement of the contemporary world as people are directing their attention towards it. However, the growing automobile sectors generated issues related to the fresh air which is uncertain for both the present and future generations. The gases emitted from the tailpipe of automobiles like Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon dioxide must be maintained in order to mitigate the consequences. The present Federal test procedure depicts that vehicles emit nearly three fourth of pollutants like Carbon monoxide and unburnt Hydrocarbons at the warm up period. In this regard many countries have started implementing strict control regulations to minimize the pollution which is currently in upheaval trend. Based on various experimental studies it is found that metallic oxides such as copper oxide, silver oxide and few other oxides has a promising catalytic characteristic to replace the precious noble metals like platinum and palladium which are currently utilized in the conventional catalytic converter. In this research we have intended to develop a low-cost three-way catalytic converter using an alternative metallic oxide as an oxidizing agent in place of conventional catalyst. From our work, it's noted that manganese oxide catalyst when combined with the titanium oxide, the conversion of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide gets better along with the conversion of hydrocarbon. Hence, this experimental work has been carried out with the catalytic converter to enhance its performance and reduce the pollutants from tailpipes of the vehicles.
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