Treatment of nicotine dependence with Chantix (varenicline).

Varenicline is the generic name for Chantix, the newest drug available for the treatment of tobacco dependence. In a randomized controlled clinical trial, the abstinence rate at 1 year for patients using varencline was superior to that of patients in the group using bupropion SR (Zyban) and in the placebo group (11). Varenicline reduces nicotine withdrawal symptoms, cigarette craving and nicotine satisfaction. Post-market reports prompted a warning of serious adverse neuropsychiatric events in patients taking varenicline. As is the case with any surgical procedure and/or prescription medication, full disclosure of the risks and benefits should be discussed with the patient. The significant health benefits of quitting smoking should be weighed against the individual's risk of adverse events associated with the use of varenicline for smoking cessation.
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