Molecular Modeling of the Shigella flexneri Serogroup 3 and 5 O-Antigens and Conformational Relationships for a Vaccine Containing Serotypes 2a and 3a.

The pathogenic bacterium Shigella flexneri is a leading global cause of diarrheal disease. The O-antigen is the primary vaccine target and distinguishes the 30 serotypes reported. Except for serotype 6, all S. flexneri serotypes have a common backbone repeating unit (serotype Y), with variations in substitution creating the various serotypes. A quadrivalent vaccine containing serotypes 2a and 3a (as well as 6 and Shigella sonnei) is proposed to provide broad protection against non-vaccine S. flexneri serotypes through shared epitopes and conformations. Here we model the O-antigen (O-Ag) conformations of serogroups 3 and 5: a continuation of our ongoing systematic study of the S. flexneri O-antigens that began with serogroup 2. Our simulations show that S. flexneri serogroups 2, 3, and 5 all have flexible O-Ags, with substitutions of the backbone altering the chain conformations in different ways. Our analysis suggests three general heuristics for the effects of substitution on the Shigella O-Ag conformations: (1) substitution on rhamnose C reduces the extension of the O-Ag chain; (2) substitution at O-3 of rhamnose A restricts the O-Ags to predominantly helical conformations, (3) substitution at O-3 of rhamnose B has only a slight effect on conformation. The common O-Ag conformations across serotypes identified in this work support the assumption that a quadrivalent vaccine containing serotypes 2a and 3a could provide coverage against S. flexneri serotype 3b and serogroup 5.
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