Postacceleration of Laser-Generated High-Energy Protons Through Conventional Accelerator Linacs

The postacceleration of laser-generated protons through conventional drift-tube linear accelerators (linacs) (DTLs) has been simulated with the particle-code PARMELA. The proton source is generated on the rear surface of a target irradiated by an high-intensity short-pulse (350 fs) laser and focused by a microlens that allows selecting collimated protons at 7 0.1 MeV with root-mean-square unnormalized transverse emittance of 0.180 mm mrad. The simulations show that protons can be accelerated by one DTL tank to more than 14 MeV with un normalized transverse-emittance growth of 8 and 22.6 in different transverse directions when considering a total proton charge of 0.112 mA. This first numerical study shows that coupling between laser-plasma accelerators with traditional accelerators is possible, allowing a luminosity gain for the final beam.
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