Analysis of Responses to Inquiries Concerning Externally Dispensed Prescriptions Raised by Insurance Pharmacies and Study Regarding Introduction of Computerized Ordering System-Predicted changes in procedures following computerization-

Our hospital has adopted a system under which externally dispensed prescriptions are checked by the pharmaceutical department prior to delivery to patients.However,external prescriptions have created additional work for us in that we have to respond to inquiries from insurance pharmacies on doubtful points that remain in such prescriptions.We examined such inquiries received from June 1998,when externally dispensed prescriptions started to be issued,to August 2006 with regard to content and time based on entries in a record book,and assembled the data obtained for the purpose of studying the introduction of an ordering system linked to electronic patient records.As a result,we found that the number of inquiries on doubtful points was proportional to the number of externally dispensed prescriptions,and the time required for responses depended on the number of inquiries rather than the content of the inquiries concerning doubtful points.The average inquiry rate was 1.26% of the number of externally dispensed prescriptions issued by our hospital,a lower rate than that found in large-scale surveys,suggesting that our checks prior to delivery of prescriptions were effective.Furthermore,in consideration of efficiency and safety,responses by our pharmaceutical department to inquiries were considered to be necessary even after computerization.
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