Neuroprotective Peptides Regulate Protein-Synthesis Kinetics in Hepatocytes of Different Age Rats

In the search for stable factors regulating direct cell–cell interactions and effects on the properties of cells in aging organisms, the regulatory peptides Semax and HLDF-6 were studied. The circahoralian rhythm of protein synthesis in cells in vitro served as a marker of cell–cell interactions. The peptides normalized the cell–cell interactions, which are greatly weakened during aging. It is shown that the peptides organize the protein-synthesis rhythm in primary rat hepatocyte cultures. The effect of the HLDF-6 peptide was realized via metabotropic glutamate receptors; the blockade of these receptors by the antagonist MCPG abolished the effect of the peptide. The protein kinase inhibitor H7 prevented the effect of the peptides on the protein-synthesis kinetics. Just as for other signaling factors, the activation of protein kinases in the case of the peptides regulates the key process of direct cell–cell interactions. The effect of a single signal of each of the peptides was retained for at least 1 day. Our data allow the peptides to be recommended for improving elderly people’s condition and block the factors that disorganize the protein-synthesis kinetics.
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