The impact of aid on maternal and reproductive health. A systematic review to evaluate the effect of aid on the outcomes of Millennium Development Goal 5.

1 Executive Summary 3 1. Background 8 1.1 Aims and rationale for review 8 1.2 Objectives 10 1.3 Definitional and conceptual issues 10 1.4 Research and policy background 16 2. Methods used in the review 18 2.1 User involvement 18 2.2 Identifying and describing studies 18 3. Search Results 25 3.1 Studies included from searching and screening 25 3.2 Details of included studies 26 4. Synthesis Results 30 4.1 Further details of studies included in the synthesis 30 4.2 Synthesis of evidence 30 4.3 Synthesis: Quality Assessment Results 33 5. Strengths and limitations 35 5.1 Methodology 35 5.2 Data on maternal and reproductive health 36 5.3 Aid intervention and health outcomes 39 6. Conclusions and Recommendations 41 7. References 45 7.1 Studies included in the in-depth review 45 7.2 References included (Round 3) 48 7.3 References excluded in Round 3 51 7.4 Additional references 66 Appendices 70 Appendix 1.1: Authorship of this report 70 Appendix 2.1: Search strategy and results 71 Appendix 2.2: Coding tool 77 Appendix 2.3: Quality Assessment Checklist 81 Appendix 3.1: Details of studies included in the review 83 Appendix 3.2: Aid Pools 99 Appendix 4.1: Details of studies included in the sythesis 102 Appendix 4.3: Synthesis of evidence 157 Appendix 4.4: Quality Assessment Results 164
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