Acoustic field influence in the kinetics of thermochemical degradation during biomass torrefaction

Considered a mild form of pyrolysis, torrefaction appears as an alternative thermal treatment where the biomass is heated at temperatures between 200-300°C in partial or total absence of oxygen to produce a more hydrophobic, homogeneous and higher calorific solid fuel when compared to the raw material. Several torrefaction technologies have already been developed and implemented in the industry. The present work has as main objective to deepen the knowledge in the biomass thermo-degradation process during torrefaction. For this, an innovative experimental apparatus was developed aiming to improve the wood heat treatment by coupling an acoustic field to the temperature parameter. The assumption is that an acoustic field within a reactor modifies the pressure field and consequently the velocity of the particles around the sample by altering the interaction between the gaseous environment and the released volatile around the wood surface, accelerating its degradation process. With this objective, an acoustic system was implemented in a reactor. A characterization and mapping of the acoustic behavior contemplating the measurement of acoustic flux rate and its intensity was performed. The physical and chemical torrefaction experiments were performed for two treatment temperatures with and without influence of the acoustic, providing the mass yield evolution, the temperature curves and the chemical properties of the torrefied material. Concomitantly, a numerical model of kinetics and elemental composition was established for the mass yield and the composition prediction in terms of carbon hydrogen and oxygen during the degradation. The torrefaction experimental results, as well as the chemical analysis and pyrolysis of the final product, provided evidence such as: reduction of residence time, increase of the samples internal temperature during treatment and a greater calorific power for the samples treated under acoustic influence. A final comparison between experimental and simulation results allowed the evaluation of the torrefaction numerical model and the influence of the acoustics on the degradation kinetics
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