ULOGA EUROPSKE INICIJATIVE INTERREG III. U VALORIZACIJI KULTURNE BAŠTINE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ (The Role of the European Initiative Interreg III in the Valorization of the Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Croatia)

Croatian Abstract: Sustav zastite i ocuvanja kulturne bastine cine tri podsustava: zakonodavstvo, financiranje, nositelji zastite i ocuvanja. Zajednicko djelovanje navedenih podsustava omogucava restituciju, revitalizaciju, gospodarsku uporabu te upravljanje kulturnom bastinom. Europska unija financijskim instrumentima omogucava realizaciju programa i projekata ocuvanja i zastite kulturne bastine. Najsira inicijativa Europske unije je Interreg III. financirana sredstvima iz Europskoga regionalnog razvojnog fonda. Cilj istraživanja jest utvrditi na koje se nacine valorizirala kulturna bastina inicijativom Interreg III. u Republici Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2002. do 2006. godine. Glavna metoda istraživanja bilo je internetsko istraživanje, a glavni poligon istraživanja je 156 projekata realiziranih kroz trilateralni program prekogranicne suradnje za susjedstvo između Slovenije, Mađarske i Hrvatske. U svrhu sto bolje uspjesnosti projekti su analizirani prema tematskim podrucjima, ciljevima te aktivnostima. Inicijativom Interreg III. u Republici Hrvatskoj kulturna bastina najvecim se dijelom valorizirala projektima kulturnoga turizma, 20%. Pri tom su primat imale kulturno-turisticke rute koje participiraju s 8% u ukupno 23% projekata koji ukljucuju kulturnu bastinu. English Abstract: Conservation and protection of the cultural heritage in the Republic of Croatia are regulated through international and national laws and regulations. The European Union uses financial instruments to enable the delivery of programmes and projects for heritage conservation and protection. Interreg III is the most comprehensive European Union initiative covering the period 2002 – 2006 in the Republic of Croatia. Most of these projects are realized through trilateral Neighborhood Program Slovenia-Hungary-Croatia. The main aim was to become better prepared for the consequences of enlargement and to strengthen the good relations between three neighbouring countries. Three kinds of research from this Initiative have been made for this paper. They include 156 projects. Theme analysis shows that the most of them, 28%, are in the field “Joint tourism and cultural space”. The Republic of Croatia was involved in 39% of the projects; from those, 23% include the cultural heritage, and from those, 20% are projects in the cultural tourism and 3% in the culture. Analysis, according to the goals in the field “Joint tourism and cultural space”, shows that the most popular are cultural routes participating with 8% in the total of 23% of the projects which include the cultural heritage. Analysis of the projects realized in the Republic of Croatia, according to the activities, shows that Croatia has gained experiences from the other regions in Europe in the process of applying and of implementing European projects. That experience was very useful for other applications which started growing firstly when Croatia became the candidate for membership in the EU (2005) and even more when Croatia became a member of the EU (2013). It is important for all stakeholders involved in the processes to know laws, regulations, public policies and public organizations just as the financial possibilities in the field of maintaining the cultural heritage.
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