Conspecifics, not plant reproductive tissues, reduce omnivore prey consumption

Plant reproductive tissues (PRTs) can decrease (via reduced consumption) or increase (via numerical response) an omnivores consumption of animal prey. Although PRTs can increase predation pressure through numerical responses of omnivores, PRTs may also suppress predation by increasing omnivore interactions with conspecifics. Despite this potential, studies of the impacts of PRTs on predation by omnivores often overlook the effect of these tissues on intraspecific interactions between omnivores. We designed three studies to examine how PRTs and conspecific density impact prey consumption by ladybeetle omnivores. First, we assessed how PRTs impact scale insect consumption by isolated ladybeetles. Second, we measured how PRTs influence ladybeetle prey suppression when numerical responses were possible. Third, because initial experiments suggested the consumption rates of individual ladybeetles depended upon conspecific density, we compared per capita consumption rates of ladybeetles across ladybeetle density. PRTs did not influence prey consumption by isolated ladybeetles. When numerical responses were possible, PRTs did not influence total predation on prey despite increasing ladybeetle density, suggesting that PRTs decreased per capita prey consumption by ladybeetles. The discrepancy between our lab and field studies is likely a consequence of differences in ladybeetle density - the presence of only two other conspecifics decreased per capita prey consumption by 76%. Our findings suggest that PRTs may not alter the population level effects of omnivores on prey when omnivore numerical responses are offset by reductions in per capita predation rate.
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