Forms and distribution of potassium in selected black soil series of Kavalur sub-watershed soils of Koppal district, Karnataka

Potassium in soil exists in four different forms such as, water soluble, exchangeable, non-exchangeable and lattice potassium were studied in the surface and sub surface samples of Kavalur sub-watershed of Koppal district, Karnataka. The available potassium in red soil varied from 221.00 to 389.00 kg ha-1 in surface and 194.00 to 317.00 kg ha-1in sub surface soil. The available potassium in red soil series was medium to high in status. BPR, MRD soil series shows higer potassium than KSP, GHT soil series. The variation in K status in red soil series might be due to cultural practices, application of fertilizers, organic manures and other inputs. The surface available potassium in soils was more compared to sub-surface. This may be due to the fact that in red soil series the kaolinite is dominant among secondary clay minerals followed by the smectite in the surface soils. The water soluble K of red soils ranged from 1.68 to 4.08 mg kg-1 in surface and 1.30 to 2.88 mg kg-1 in sub surface soil. Higher amount of sand and organic matter present in surface soil contributed for high water-soluble K than sub-surface soil. The exchangeable potassium in surface soil was high because of K fertilization and application of manures enriched the exchangeable sites of clay-humus complex there by increased the exchangeable K. The non-exchangeable potassium of red soils in surface samples varied from 356.77 to 764.96 mg kg-1and 430.98 to 853.89 mg kg-1 in sub surface. The lattice potassium in red soil ranged from 14,675.06 to 22010.02 mg kg-1in surface and 16281.07 to 22789.11 mg kg-1 in sub surface. The high values of sub-surface indicate that these soils have been derived from potassium bearing minerals such as 2:1 type of clay minerals which favoured the lattice potassium content in soils. Total potassium ranged from 15,000 to 22,600 mg kg-1 in surface and 16,700 to 23,500 mg kg-1 in sub surface soils. Variation in the depth wise distribution of total potassium depends upon the relative effect of factors such as, soil texture, intensity of weathering of surface soils, organic carbon content and release of soluble potassium from organic residues, application of potassic fertilizers and leaching of potassium to lower horizons.
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