Mossbauer study of different factors influence on donated blood quality

Packed red blood cells (RBC) are main blood components used in transfusiology. During storage, preserved blood cells undergo progressive structural and functional changes that may reduce red-cell function and viability after transfusion. As the hemoglobin is the main and active component of erythrocytes, we consider that oxidized hemoglobin derivatives formation cause those changes. With the aim of developing the new criteria for donated blood suitability for transfusion, we studied storage-related changes in red blood cells hemoglobin by means of analytical fitting of Mossbauer spectra. We analyzed Mossbauer spectra of set RBC’s samples from volunteer donors every few days during their storage. Using those data, we built kinetic curves of various hemoglobin derivatives changes during RBC storage for different hemoglobin forms concentration in RBC samples. We found that kinetic curves are specific for each donor. They also depend on the donor’s age and health condition at the time of donation. Based on our spectroscopy results we suggested an objective criteria for duration of storage of regular donors RBC.
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