High-spin study of odd- A 49 In isotopes beyond the neutron mid-shell

The 115, 117, 119, 121In nuclei have been produced as fission fragments in three reactions induced by heavy ions: 12C + 238U at 90MeV bombarding energy, 18O + 208Pb reaction at 85MeV, and 31P + 176Yb at 152MeV. Their level schemes have been built from gamma-rays detected using the EUROBALL III and IV arrays. High-spin states of 117, 119, 121In nuclei have been identified for the first time. Moreover, isomeric states lying around 2.5MeV have been established in 119, 121In from the delayed coincidences between the fission fragment detector SAPhIR and the gamma array. Most of the observed states can be described by coupling a proton g 9/2 hole to a Sn core, while the intruder band based on an orbital from the π[g 7/2/d 5/2] sub-shells behaves as the ground-state band of neighbouring Cd isotopes.
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