Cosmetic product clindamycinum high efficiency liquid chromatography detection method

The present invention is an assay method using high performance liquid chromatography in Cosmetics clindamycin, characterized in that: using octadecyl silane bonded silica gel as column filler C18 or C8 column; UV detector using or diode array detector at a detector in the 190-380nm; mobile phase solution of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate - acetonitrile solution of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate buffer or - methanol buffer; samples were dissolved and extracted with anhydrous methanol or acetonitrile, by ultrasonic extraction 20min after then 12000rpm / min centrifuged for about 5min, the supernatant as a sample solution, if necessary, and then 0.45μm membrane filter back; qualitative analysis based on the retention time and the spectra of the samples, according to the peak area quantitative analysis. An advantage of this invention is that: resolution, high sensitivity, reproducibility, and selectivity, sample preparation method is simple, a suitable cosmetic clindamycin microanalysis.
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