Prehydrated One-Electron Attachment to Azido-Modified Pentofuranoses: Aminyl Radical Formation, Rapid H-Atom Transfer, and Subsequent Ring Opening

Methyl 2-azido-2-deoxy-α-d-lyxofuranoside (1a) and methyl 2-azido-2-deoxy-β-d-ribofuranoside (2) were prepared from d-xylose or d-arabinose, respectively. Employing ESR and DFT/B3LYP/6-31G* calculations, we investigated (i) aminyl radical (RNH·) formation and (ii) reaction pathways of RNH·. Prehydrated electron attachment to 1a and 2 at 77 K produced transient azide anion radical (RN3·–) which reacts via rapid N2 loss at 77 K, forming nitrene anion radical (RN·–). Rapid protonation of RN·– at 77 K formed RNH· and –OH. 15N-labeled-1a confirmed this mechanism. Investigations employing in-house synthesized site-specifically deuterated derivatives of 1a (e.g., CH3 (1b), C4 (1c), and C5 (1d)) established that (a) a facile intramolecular H atom transfer from C5 to RNH· generated C5· and RNH2. C5· formation had a small deuterium kinetic isotope effect suggesting that this reaction does not occur via direct H atom abstraction. (b) Subsequently, C5· underwent a facile unimolecular conversion to ring-opened C4·. Id...
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