Supernova Neutrino Process And Sensitivity To Neutrino Temperatures

Some rare isotopes are produced by neutrino-induced reactions in supernova (SN) explosions (n-process). The isotope 92Nb decays to 92Zr with a half-life of 3.47  107 years. Although this isotope does not exist in the present solar system, the initial abundance ratio for 92Nb/93Nb at the time of solar system formation (SSF) have been measured in primitive meteorites. The astrophysical origin of 92Nb, however, has remained unknown. The SN n-process origin for 92Nb has been proposed and the SN calculation has demonstrated the n-process origin of 92Nb. The abundances of n-isotopes depend on neutrino temperatures. In the calculation, the average energies of kT = 3.2, 4.0, 6.0 MeV for the electron neutrino, anti-electron neutrino, and the other neutrinos (nm and nt ), respectively, were used. The observed ratio of 92Nb/93Nb  10????5 can be explained by the n-process.
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