Abstrak Dalam mencegah penyebaran virus COVID-19, pasien dianjurkan untuk tidak pergi ke fasilitas kesehatan kecuali dalam keadaan yang darurat. Pengaplikasian sistem telemedicine untuk diagnosis dan monitoring kesehatan dari jarak jauh sangat dibutuhkan. Maka dari itu Tugas Akhir berpusat pada desain dan implementasi sistem telemedicine untuk periksa kesehatan mandiri dengan menggunakan aplikasi android “Self Checkup”. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan framework React Native untuk memeriksa kesehatan pengguna dengan melihat data secara realtime dari tiga IoT healthcare device yaitu Weight Scale Device, Body Temperature Device, dan IoT Healthcare Device melalui NodeMCU ESP32 dengan protokol komunikasi Bluetooth Low Energy. Pairing antara aplikasi android dengan IoT device menggunakan metode otentikasi dengan QR Code. Kemudian data yang diterima dari IoT device dienkripsi dengan algoritma AES 256-bit lalu dikirimkan ke cloud server. Hasil pengujian Quality of Service dari ketiga IoT healthcare device ke aplikasi android memperoleh nilai rata-rata delay sebesar 97 ms, throughput sebesar 2.424 Kbps dan packet loss sebesar 0%. Nilai rata rata delay dari aplikasi android ke cloud server sebesar 203 ms, throughput sebesar 4.624 Kbps dan packet loss sebesar 0%. Hasil pengujian performansi algoritma AES 256-bit memiliki rata-rata waktu enkripsi sebesar 54 ms dan dekripsi sebesar 72 ms. Kata kunci : Aplikasi Android, QR Code, Internet of Things, Bluetooth Low Energy, Telemedicine, Cloud Server, AES. Abstract In preventing the spread of COVID-19, patients are advised not to go to health facilities except in an emergency. Telemedicine system application for remote health diagnosis and monitoring is urgently needed. Therefore, the final project focuses on the design and implementation of the telemedicine system for independent health checks using the android application ”Self Checkup”. This system was designed using the framework React Native to check the user’s health by looking at the data in real-time from three IoT healthcare devices, which are Weight Scale Device, Body Temperature Device, and electrocardiogram device through NodeMCU ESP32 with Bluetooth Low Energy communication protocol. Pairing between the android application and the IoT device is conducted by using an authentication method based on QR code. Then the data received from the IoT device are encrypted with a 256-bit AES algorithm before being sent to the cloud server. The quality of service (QoS) experiments from the three IoT healthcare devices to the Android applications show that the average delay value is 97 ms, throughput is 2.424 Kbps and packet loss is 0%. Meanwhile, the QoS experiments between the Android application and cloud server show that the average delay is 203 ms, throughput is 4.624 Kbps and packet loss is 0%. As for the security performance of the 256-bit AES algorithm, the average encryption is 54 ms and AES decryption is 72 ms. Keywords: Android Application, QR Code, Internet of Things, Bluetooth Low Energy, Telemedicine, Cloud Server, AES.
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