Eficacia clínica de la biopsia prostática. Experiencia en nuestro centro 1990-2002

CLINICAL EFFICACY OF PROSTATIC BIOPSY. EXPERIENCE IN OUR CENTER FROM 1990 TO 2002 Introduction: The prostate biopsy is the only valid tool to diagnose the existence of cancer of prostate. The indications of the biopsy, according with EAU, are the existence of high PSA, increased velocity PSA and a rectal suspicious tact. Objectives: validation of the utility of the prostate biopsy, to know the value of the PSA as a marker of prostate cancer in our way and to value the indication and efficiency of repeated biopsies. Material and methods: we practice a manual review of the biopsies in our hospital, between the years 1990 and 2002. We study the level of PSA before the biopsy, number of prostatic cores and histologic information of the biopsy. A statistical des- criptive and inferencial study has been performed by SPSS 12.0 package. Results: The total number of biopsies registered was a 1202, with 36.96 % of biopsy positive. The PSA before the biopsy (avai- lable in the biopsies realized between the year 1999 and 2002: 578 biopsies, 48.08 % of the whole) was> 10 ng/ml in 55,88 % of these patients, 4-10 ng/ml in 39.27 % and 0-4ng/ml in 4.84 %. The average and PSA's median is of 19.09 (standard error: 1.87) and 10.6, respectively. The positividad of the biopsy increases with PSA's level: 48,61 % with PSA> 10; 25.11 % with PSA 4-10 and 21,4 % in patients with PSA <4. There was realized prostate rebiopsy (2 o more biopsies) in 132 patients (21,97 % positive) 88,36 % of the cancers was diagnosed in the first biopsy, and 6.62 % in the second one (94,98% of the diagnoses of cancer of prostate carried out with the first 2 biopsies). Conclusions: The information obtained in the study by means of the descriptive analysis of our series meets in conformity the published in other studies and publications. There exists a need to increase the diagnostic profitability of the biopsy of prostate, for which we have introduced a protocol of biopsy under local anesthesia in order to be able to increase the number of obtained cylinders.
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