Occupational Bladder Cancer: A Guide for Clinicians: THE BAUS SUBCOMMIUEE ON INDUSTRIAL BLADDER CANCER

Summary— In 1961 the British Association of Urological Surgeons published its original guide to urologists and surgeons on occupational tumours of the urinary tract. This revised guide has been produced by the BAUS Committee on Occupational Urothelial Cancers and has broadly the same objectives as the first: 1. To give guidance on the industries and occupations (a) In which the known urothelial carcinogens have been manufactured or used and with which occupational tumours have been associated. (b) In which epidemiological studies have revealed an increased risk of urothelial cancer but the exact carcinogens have not been identified. (c) In which occupational urothelial cancers might be expected to occur but are not yet established or reported. 2. To assist the urologist in recognising cases with a possible occupational association. 3. To describe how these cases should be reported for industrial injuries benefit and occupational disease reporting (RIDDOR). 4 To outline the benefits that may be available to the patient. 5. To explain the changes that were introduced on 3 October 1983 following the report by the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council on the prescription of Neoplasm of the Bladder as a Prescribed Industrial Disease (now disease number C23) (Table 1).
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