Evidence for regulation following amputation and tissue grafting in the developing mouse limb

Procedures are now available to experimentally manipulate postimplantation mouse embryos in situ and allow development to continue into postnatal life (Muneoka, K., N. Wanek, and S.V. Bryant (1986) J. Exp. Zool., 239: 289–293). We have investigated the ability of the well formed hindlimb bud to regulate following two experimental operations: amputation and wedge grafts designed to confront anterior and posterior cells. After comparing the resultant limbs with the fate maps of the relevant states, we conclude that the developing hindlimb bud at stage 7/8 (equivalent to stage 27/28 of the chick) is capable of partial regeneration of the peripheral digits following amputation and capable of supernumerary digit tip formation after grafting of a wedge of anterior tissue to a posterior position.
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