Probióticos - Revisão da Literatura

Introduction: Probiotics are live microorganisms that can change either the composition and/or metabolic activities of the intestinal microbiota. Aim: To perform a literature review on probiotics use from articles published in Pubmed. Results: Were selected articles that addressed general characteristics of probiotics and their use in immunomodulation. Probiotics have been indicated for the prevention of diarrhea caused by rotavirus and antibiotics, and also atopic diseases, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Therapeutic effect, in literature, was observed at doses varying from 106 to 109 CFU, and although its mechanism of action has not been fully established, to be beneficial probiotics must be viable when consumed, remain alive after contact with gastric and bile juice, adhere to the intestinal mucosa and compete with pathogenic microorganisms, promoting a satisfactory action in the modulation of inflammation and immunity. Conclusion: Lactic acid bacteria promote improvement in the body's function. Further studies must be carried out so that probiotics use may be broadened in medicine. DESCRIPTORS: Probiotics. Rhinitis Allergic Perennial. Rhinitis Allergic Seasonal. Lactobacillus. Bifidobacterium.
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