Evading the War: Deserters and Draft Evaders from the Portuguese Army during the Colonial War

portuguesO presente artigo toma como objeto de analise o lugar dos desertores e refratarios da tropa portuguesa durante a guerra colonial. Partindo da forma como o tema tem vindo a ser debatido recentemente na sociedade portuguesa, procura-se avancar no conhecimento historiografico sobre o tema, trazendo novas informacoes e interpretacoes sobre a desobediencia a incorporacao militar. Nesta medida, revisita-se a posicao dos diversos sectores oposicionistas portugueses perante a desercao, no interior e no exilio, examinam-se as diferentes tipologias associadas a recusa da guerra e compilam-se dados novos sobre o tema, nomeadamente para a quantificacao do fenomeno, complementados com notas analiticas que contribuem para a sua contextualizacao. EnglishThis article analyzes the question of deserters and draft evaders from the Portuguese army during the colonial war. Utilizing as its starting point the recent discussions taking place about this issue in Portuguese society, the analysis seeks to expand the historiographical knowledge that has been built up about this theme, contributing fresh information and new interpretations relating to the matter of disobedience to military conscription. With this aim in mind, we set out to reevaluate the stance that Portugal’s opposition groups adopted in relation to the question of desertion, both at the domestic level and in exile, examining the various typologies relating to the “refusal” of the war and collecting new data on the topic. Important steps will thus be taken towards a quantification of this phenomenon, including the provision of analytical observations that help to put it into perspective.
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