Brines of the Siberian platform (Russia): Geochemistry and rocessing prospects

Abstract Complex researches have focused on chloride brines in the large artesian basins of the Siberian Platform. The highly concentrated ground brines are unique natural solutions that are fraught with unsolved mystery associated with their origin and the formation of their chemical composition. Most scientists believe that the most important process controlling the formation of these brines was interaction between palaeoseawaters and host rocks. The newest geochemical and stable isotope data (18О, 2H, 37Cl, 81Br, 87Sr/86Sr) showed that chloride sodium ground brines of the Siberian Platform originated as the result of halogenous rock leaching, whereas chloride calcium brines derive from buried bittern connate waters. The main evolutionary process was a long interaction in the water–rock system. This paper also provides information on the vast resource of multicomponent brines, so-called “liquid ores”, which are widespread over a large area of the Siberian Platform. It is an unconventional hydromineral raw material, whose use and exploitation has an extremely high potential as it may constitute a serious alternative to solid mineral deposits. The innovative methodology and pioneering methods for the processing and extraction of valuable components (especially Li) from brine are suggested.
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