Zonificación del Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama según la presencia histórica de la cabra montés Capra pyrenaica Schinz, 1838

The presence of the Iberian Ibex (Capra pyrenaica) in the Parque Nacional Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid) dates back to the reintroductions made in the early 1990s. Since then, the population has experienced an exponential increase causing high pressure on the environment, especially on the vegetation. Periodic censuses have been carried out from 2000 which have allowed us to track the evolution of the population and its location within the Park. The aim of this work is to draw up ‘presence maps’ taking into account not only the current situation but also the historical presence and the continuity of the species within the National Park. Based on censuses carried out since 2000 and considering 5 different variables -number of individuals present, seasonality, number of years with presence, population increase and presence in last years-, the areas that have had the greatest and most continuous presence of the species has been determined since its reintroduction. There have been established five zones within the National Park, showing the area of La Najarra and Cuerda Larga a greater presence and continuity, the surrounding areas of Pedriza Anterior and Pedriza Posterior a moderate presence, the Montes Carpetanos rope shows a lower presence and is null in peripheral areas of the Park (Seven Picos and Navarredonda rope).
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