ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Status gizi menjadi indikator ketiga dalam menentukan derajat kesehatan anak. Status gizi yang baik dapat membantu proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak untuk mencapai kematangan yang optimal. Status gizi dapat  mendeteksi lebih dini risiko terjadinya masalah kesehatan. Persepsi kerentanan merupakan kepercayaan seseorang dengan menganggap menderita penyakit adalah hasil melakukan perilaku tertentu. Persepsi manfaat berarti persepsi pemantauan status gizi dapat digunakan sebagai bentuk antisipasi dalam merencanakan perbaikan status kesehatan anak (Soekirman, 2006). Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi kerentanan dan persepsi manfaat terhadap status gizi balita. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancang bangun crossectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang memiliki balita usia 0-60 bulan yang berjumlah 366 ibu. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dan diperoleh sampel sebesar 79 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner tertutup, responden tinggal memilih jawaban dengan memberikan tanda tertentu dari pertanyaan yang diajukan. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi square pada batas kepercayaan 95% (0,05) (Arikunto, 2016). Penelitian ini dilaksankana di Desa Ngalang pada bulan 8 Juni samapai 2 Agustus 2020. Hasil penelitian: persepsi ibu yang menganggap rentan terhadap masalah gizi berdasarkan analisa data dengan uji chi square didapatkan nilai significancy 0,828 sehingga tidak ada hubungan antara persepsi kerentanan dengan status gizi. Sedangkan Persepsi manfaat untuk mencegah masalah gizi didapatkan analisa data dengan uji chi square didapatkan nilai significancy 0,235 sehingga tidak ada hubungan antara persepsi manfaat dengan status gizi. Simpulan: Tidak ada hubungan antara persepsi kerentanan dan persepsi manfaat dengan status gizi balita kemungkinan status gizi dipengaruhi faktor lain. Kata Kunci : Persepsi Kerentanan, Persepsi Manfaat, Status gizi Balita RELATIONSHIP OF VULNERABILITY PERCEPTION AND BENEFIT PERCEPTION OF CHILDREN'S NUTRITIONAL STATUS IN NGALANG VILLAGE, KECAMATAN GEDANGSARI, GUNUNG KIDUL DISTRICT ABSTRACT Background: Nutritional status is the third indicator in determining children's health status. A good nutritional status can help the child's growth and development process to reach optimal maturity. Nutritional status can detect the risk of health problems early. Perception of vulnerability is a person's belief by assuming suffering from a disease is the result of carrying out certain behaviors. Perception of benefits means that perceptions of nutritional status monitoring can be used as a form of anticipation in planning to improve children's health status (Soekirman, 2006). Objective: To determine the relationship between perceived vulnerability and perceived benefits on the nutritional status of children under five. Methods: This study is an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all mothers who have children aged 0-60 months, amounting to 366 mothers. The sampling technique used simple random sampling and obtained a sample of 79 people. The data was collected using a closed questionnaire, the respondents just need to choose the answer by giving certain signs of the questions asked. Data analysis used the chi square test at the 95% confidence limit (0.05) (Arikunto, 2016). This research was conducted in Ngalang Village from June 8 to August 2 2020. The results: the perception of mothers who think they are vulnerable to nutritional problems based on data analysis with the chi square test obtained a significance value of 0.828 so there is no relationship between perceived vulnerability and nutritional status. Meanwhile, the perception of benefits to prevent nutritional problems, data analysis with the chi square test obtained a significance value of 0.235 so that there is no relationship between perceived benefits and nutritional status. Conclusion: There is no relationship between perceived vulnerability and perceived benefits with the nutritional status of children under five, it is possible that nutritional status is influenced by other factors. Keywords : Perceptions of  Perceived Susceptibility, Perceptions of Perceived Benefits, Nutritional Status, Toddlers
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