CARACTERIZACIÓN HISTOQUÍMICA Y MORFOMÉTRICA DE LA MUSCULATURA ESQUELÉTICA DEL MIEMBRO PELVIANO DEL CAPRINO (Capra hircus). Histochemical and Morphometric Characterization of the Skeletal Musculature of the Hind Limb of the Caprine (Capra hircus).

The muscles of the hip, high and leg region of the goats were studied under conditions of explotation semi intensive with technical histochemical, with the purpose of knowing the percentage distribution of the different types of fibers, that which contributes to the characterization of the normal muscle, indispensable condition for the later study of the pathology, the genetic one and possibly to determine some organoleptics characteristic of the meat. They took samples in alive of the muscles Biceps femoris, Middle gluteal, Deep gluteal, Vastus intermedius, Vastus lateralis, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Semimembronosus, Semitendinosus and Tensor fasciae latae, in five (5) goats of 21-30 Kg. of weight. The samples froze in isopentano cooled in liquid nitrogen. The cuts were carried out in a cryostat to -20°C, with a thickness of 10 µm. They were carried out the reactions of the Adenosine Trifosfatase (ATP-handle) with a pH of preincubation 4.33 and 4.37 to determine the percentage distribution of types of fibers. The muscle Vastus intermedius presents 100% of fibers type I, almost all of high capacity oxidative. The three muscles Gluteal showed around 45% fibers type I, 22% typeIIa and 33% type IIb. The rest of the muscles had 29% of the fibers type I, 31% of the type IIa and 40% of the type IIb. The highest average of fiber area was
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