急性白血病患者血漿中のA及び B transferase 活性の変動

We studied the A- and B-transferase in the plasma of leukemic patients in relation to their clinical course. The level of A- and B-transferase was obtained from the intensity of A and B antigen on the red cell membrane of blood group O converted by the use of UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine or UDP-galactose as a substrate. Significant changes of A- and B-transferase were observed in 13 of 15 patients in the study, but in none of them was seen any extreme decrease of the content of antigen A, B, or H on the red cell membrane. Besides, changes the level of transferase in the plasma were not always proportionate to nuclear cell counts of bone marrow.In observation of blood chimeric twins and A- and B-transferase in allogenic bone marrow transplantation with ABO major miss match, main productive organ of A- and B-transferase in the plasma seemed to exist outside of the bone marrow, suggesting that A- and B-transferase in the plasma was not directly concerned with the process of red cell antigen development. Furthermore, it was found that reduction of A- and B-transferase in the plasma of leukemic patients was not always associated with reduction of A and B antigen on red cell membrane.
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