Study of Hematological Profile in Chronic Renal Failure Patients on Hemodialysis in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Background: Chronic Kidney Disease is a cause of high morbidity and mortality in developing nations like India. The various hematological parameters and their correlation to different stages of CKD help assess the severity, prognosis and outcome of these patients. Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional observational study was done to detect the prevalence of haematological abnormalities, correlation of anaemia, typing of anemia with CKD stages(stages 3 to 5) of the patients were included in this study. Presence of anaemia (Hb%, MCV, peripheral smear), RDW, thrombocytopenia, leucocyte count, differential count in different stages of CKD were studied. Result: The 96.8%subjects in the study group are anemic with normocytic and normochromic findings on peripheral smear. 57.3% patients had High TLC but no significant association was established with High TLC with increasing stage of CKD. MCV and Platelets were within normal limits with only slight variation. Increased RDW has a positive correlation with CKD. Conclusion: The CKD patients have various changes in the blood parameters especially anemia and iron studies should be carried out so that treatment for that should be started and improve the quality of life in CKD patients.
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