Kainic-acid-induced seizures: A developmental study

Abstract Developmental dose-response curves for kainic-acid-induced seizures were generated in rats. Rats at 15–18 days (pups), 33–37 days (pubescents) and over 90 days (adults) were administered kainic acid intraperitoneally. Seizures were elicited in all 3 age groups, but some of the behavioral manifestations differed in the pups. This group also had the lowest convulsive threshold, the most severe seizures and the highest mortality. Forelimb convulsions and status epilepticus were associated with the occurrence of necrotic lesions in the adults and pubescents but not in the pups. Deoxyglucose (DG) autoradiographic studies of the convulsing rats disclosed differences in the DG uptake pattern of the substantia nigra across the 3 age groups. Increases in the DG uptake were present in the two older age groups but not in the pups. Since recent data have implicated the substantia nigra as a crucial site in a seizure modifying circuitry in adult animals, our results suggest that the lack of substantia nigra involvement in the pups may account for the early generalization and the increased severity of seizures in this age group.
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