Effectiveness and toxicity of oil spill reagents on Artemia Salina

Purpose: To determine the safety and effectiveness of three potential reagents which could be used to manage a simulated oil spill (SOS). Methods: The effectiveness of three agents used manage a simulated oil spill was evaluated: liquid soap, human hair, and Enviro-Bond 403 polymer. To evaluate safety, 1 hour- Artemia survival was evaluated; serial dilutions were employed to construct LC 50 curves for a normal environment (control 1), for a SOS (control 2) and for a SOS managed with each of the 3 agents. Results: Hair and oil were effective absorbents as only 12% and 20% of the oil remained at 1 hour, repsectively; soap was ineffective with 62% of oil remaining unbound. Over a 1-hour period there was a 63% reduction in survival in Artemia exposed to an untreated SOS, when compared to natural conditions (p=0.001). Oil exposure exhibited a classic dose response curve as more Artemia died as its concentration increased; its LC 50 was 17.5%. Hair and polymer were well tolerated by Artemia – neither reached their LC 50 and approximately 80% of Artemia were alive at the end of one hour.  Soap, with or without oil, was toxic to Artemia and its LC 50 was 7%. These results were statistically significant between the three groups (ANOVA; p-value = <0.001).  Conclusion: Hair and polymer we both effective and well tolerated by Artemia in a simulated oil spill.  Objet: Pour determiner la securite et l’efficacite de trois reactifs qui pourraient se servir a nettoyer une maree noire artificielle. Methodes: L’efficacite de trois agents en nettoyant une maree noire artificielle a ete evaluee: celle du savon liquide, de cheveux humains, et du polymere Enviro-Bond 403. Pour voir si ces agents sont surs, la survie de l’Artemia a ete observee pendant une heure, et les dilutions en serie ont ete faites pour construire des courbes CL50 representant un environnement normal (1er groupe temoin), une maree noire (2e groupe temoin), et une maree noire nettoyee avec chacun des trois agents. Resultats: Les cheveux et le polymere ont ete des bons absorbants car seulement 12% et 20% du petrole y restait apres une heure, respectivement. Par contre, le savon a ete inefficace car encore 62% du petrole y restait. Pendant la premiere heure, la survie de l’Artemia dans une maree noire non traitee a ete reduite par 63%, compare aux conditions naturelles (p=0.001). L’exposition au petrole a produit une courbe dose-reponse conventionnelle car plus d’Artemia sont morts quand la concentration du petrole a ete augmentee; son CL50 a ete 17.5%. L’Artemia a supporte les cheveux et le polymere puisqu’aucun agent a atteint son CL50, et environ 80% de l’Artemia ont survecu apres une heure. Le savon, n’importe s’il y avait du petrole, a ete toxique a l’Artemia et son CL50 a ete 7%. Ces resultats ont ete importants statistiquement parmi ces trois groupes (ANOVA; valeur p =<0.001). Conclusion: Les cheveux et le polymere ont ete tous les deux des agents efficaces que l’Artemia a supporte dans un environnement de maree noire artificielle.
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