Maßgeschneiderte Schicht‐Interfacesysteme mittels ionenstrahlgestützter Beschichtung

A coated sample represents in its most simple form a threefold junction consisting of substrate, interface and top layer. In many cases the top layer consists again of several sublayers or the interface contains a modified substrate surface and an interconnection between top layer and interface. An ideal coating technique should be able to create all these layers or sublayers in a controlled and well adjusted form. By means of the IBAD techniques - evaporation under simultaneous ion bombardment with an ion source - it is possible because of several free parameters to come close to an ideal system. For the coating Al/Al 2 O 3 on steel it is shown that the width of a composition gradient between the sublayers Al and Al 2 O 3 can be optimized with respect to ecxellent corrosion resistence. The example Cr x N coating on steel or aluminum is used to demonstrate the ability to optimize the corrosion and wear resistence by modifying the microstructure via variation of the parameters ion energy, ion impact angle, ion to atom ratio and process temperature. Finally, TiN layers on steel were chosen to show that the ion beam parameters influence the porosity and the crystal structure of the coatings. This fact can be used to optimize the corrosion protection or wear reduction obtained by the coating. Especially the multilayer Ti/TiO 2 /TiN exhibits very interesting properties.
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