Applying the diagnostic approach for the definition of soil functions – a pilot example on carbon sequestration and storage

Diagnostic units (horizons, properties and materials) are commonly applied in a number of international and national classification systems, including WRB, Soil Taxonomy, Hungarian and Irish systems. Diagnostic units can be established in the field, with laboratory analyses or derived from existing soil survey databases. These diagnostic units are designed to support the process of objective soil classification. The soil diagnostic units however carry important information by themselves and can be mapped and provide a better visualisation of the soil -landscape continuum, as and have been demonstrated in different projects (such as the e_SOTER). The LANDMARK project (EU 2020) has applied the diagnostic unit approach to explain five key soil functions evident in agricultural systems; 1) primary productivity, 2) water purification and regulation, 3) carbon storage and regulation, 4) provision of a habitat for biodiversity and 5) cycling of nutrients. Modelling the capacity of a soil to deliver multiple of these soils functions is the main approach of the LANDMARK project, with a focus at farm, regional and European scales. The diagnostic unit classes is one application currently being considered to define the functional behaviour of our soils. This presentation will use the e_SOTER database and maps to provide an example of how the diagnostic approach can be applied. The procedure will be demonstrated on a pilot area in Hungary exemplified for carbon related (sequestration and storage) and primary productivity functions.
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