Micro oxidation sterilization by non-thermal plasma technology

This study was carried out to compare the efficiency of sterilization by using non-thermal plasma technology with other traditional sterilizations and to study more on the concept of non-thermal plasma technique on kitchenware. Different kitchenware was used during this study. They were stainless steel plates, plastic plates and frying pan. Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) were used as contaminants and were grown on Brain Heart Infusion agar and broth (BHI) medium. Standard Gram staining method and light microscopy were used to observe the characteristics of the bacteria. Plasma chamber was used to expose the kitchenware directly to plasma. They were exposed at different durations. There was completely no growth of bacteria after 30 minutes of exposure to plasma for all three different conditions applied on those specific kitchenware suggesting this to be the optimum time point reach by this plasma chamber for sterilization purpose.
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