Dissociating the effects of delay and interference on dog (Canis familiaris) working memory.

Delayed matching-to-sample (dMTS) is commonly used to study working memory (WM) processes in non-humans. Previous procedures for studying dog WM, including versions of the dMTS, did not separate the impact of delay and interference on memory performance. These studies were also limited to auditory and spatial stimuli, neglecting dogs' dominant sensory modality (i.e., olfaction). Therefore, we designed the first olfactory dMTS in dogs, with systematically varied delays and number of odors in a session, to dissociate the effects of delay and within-session proactive interference on dog WM. Dogs (n = 5) initially trained on matching-to-sample with 48 odors, with a zero-second delay, were tested on four delay lengths (0, 30, 60, and 90 s), counterbalanced across three, trial-unique, sessions. Although there was a slight decrease in accuracy across delays, dogs performed above chance on delays up to 60 s, suggesting a WM duration of at least 60 s. To explore the effect of within-session proactive interference on WM duration, the size of the stimulus set was reduced to six and two odors. There was no effect on the memory function with six odors compared to the trial-unique sessions. However, the interference caused by the two-odor set was enough to decrease accuracy at each delay length. These findings suggest that forgetting in dog working memory for odors can be simultaneously influenced by delay and within-session proactive interference.
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