La tensión articulatoria de las obstruyentes oclusivas en español

espanolEn espanol existe un debate acerca de si en la distincion de las oclusivas /p-b/, /t-d/ y /k-g/ prima el rasgo [sonoro] o el rasgo [tenso], puesto que coincide que /p-t-k/ son sordas y tensas, mientras que /b-d-g/ son sonoras y laxas. Para justificar foneticamente cualquier decision al respecto, tal vez la mayor dificultad estriba en medir la tension en si misma y no a partir de la duracion, su correlato principal. En este trabajo se presentan dos experimentos diferentes que, desde una perspectiva articulatoria, aportan evidencias sobre la pertinencia de la tension para la distincion. En primer lugar, se analiza, mediante electropalatografia, el punto de maximo contacto en el desarrollo linguopalatal de las articulaciones dentoalveolares en posicion inicial, tanto en su aspecto temporal (duracion) como en su aspecto espacial (configuracion). En segundo lugar, se analiza, mediante electromiografia, el esfuerzo muscular asociado a la articulacion de las articulaciones bilabiales en igual posicion. En ambos casos, se observan diferencias de produccion atribuibles al efecto de la tension articulatoria. EnglishThere is an ongoing debate about the distinction of the /p-b/, /t-d/ and /k-g/ stop pairs in Spanish. The question is whether the [voice] feature or the [tense] feature prevails, since /p-t-k/ happen to be unvoiced and tense, while /b-d-g/ are voiced and lax. In order to justify phonetically any decision about it, perhaps the greatest difficulty lies in measuring the tension itself and not the duration, its main correlate. In this paper, two different experiments are presented which, from an articulatory perspective, provide evidence about the relevance of tension to make this distinction. In the first place, the point of maximum contact in the linguopalatal development of the dentoalveolar articulations in the initial position is analyzed, by means of an electropalatography, both in its temporal aspect (duration) and in its spatial aspect (configuration). Secondly, the muscular effort associated with the articulation of the bilabial articulations in the same position is analyzed by means of an electromyography. In both cases, production differences are observed which can be attributed to the articulatory tension effect.
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