Experimental Infection of Rhesus with Simian Virus 40 (SV40)

SummaryNonimmune rhesus were readily infected by administration of SV40 by intranasal (i.n.), subcutaneous (s.c.), or intragastric (i.g.) route. Viremia, demonstrable in animals of all three groups, occurred earlier and with higher titers in the s.c. group. Neutralizing and viral CF antibodies appeared in all inoculated rhesus and T antibodies in 14 of 16. Viruria was detected in three of six of the s.c. group, most commonly in the third week after inoculation. Virus neutralizing activity occurred in the urine at or after 9 weeks postinoculation and was not confined to previously viruric animals. Virus was isolated from kidney of one rhesus from biopsy cultures performed 29–31 weeks after inoculation. Three rhesus fetuses which were given SV40 intracerebrally and subcutaneously at about 90 days of gestation had, at or soon after birth, high titers of antibodies and no tumors. In the single surviving infant, antibody titers did not fall in the first 11 weeks of life.
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