Auditoría ambiental de una empresa minera que explota agregados pétreos

Objective: To carry out an environmental audit, in order to identify the various existing problems, describe environmental management measures, examine compliance with environmental regulations and propose environmental strategies in a mining company dedicated to the exploitation of stone aggregates in La Guajira, Colombia. Methodology: The research is of a descriptive character, of documentary revision and direct observation, with field design, non-experimental and of transectional correlational-causal cut. To collect the information, a checklist and a questionnaire structured by 57 items was applied, applying validity and reliability through the criteria of experts. Results: The main findings indicate that the environmental management work of the mining company is not adequate with respect to the environmental obligations determined by environmental regulations, among them are the problems of environmental degradation, deforestation, and emissions of particulate matter. Conclusions: A better environmental organization and a rigorous application of environmental management measures that mitigate, compensate, prevent or correct negative effects are required, taking into account that those applied in the medium term are strengthened and in addition new strategies and environmental management measures are established to comply with current environmental regulations.
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