The Multimodal Transport on Yogyakarta International Airport, Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta

Penelitian dimulai dengan survey sebanyak 102 penumpang pesawat yang akan lepas landas (take off) dengan metode stated preference. Hasil survey berupa karakteristik responden, meliputi: jenis kelamin, umur, tujuan perjalanan, pendapatan bulanan, serta frekuensi menggunakan pesawat dalam sebulan. Kemudian, menanyakan preferensi angkutan dari Kota Yogyakarta menuju Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta dengan kereta api, bus, atau kendaraan pribadi dan selanjutnya meramalkan jumlah penumpang yang akan menggunakan bandar udara tersebut pada tahun 2019, ketika Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta beroperasi. Data tersebut diolah untuk merencanakan desain kebutuhan ruang stasiun, terminal bus, serta lahan parkir bagi mobil. Kegiatan lainnya adalah melakukan wawancara ke Kasi Perencanaan di Satuan Kerja Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah I D. I. Yogyakarta serta Kasi Perencana Angkutan Umum Dinas Perhubungan D. I. Yogyakarta sebagai bahan pertimbangan serta validasi perencanaan transportasi pengumpan saat Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta beroperasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada tahun 2019, jumlah penumpang Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta diperkirakan sebanyak 11.378.507 penumpang/tahun dengan tingkatan preferensi dari tertinggi menuju terendah: kereta api (37,55%), kendaraan pribadi (33,23%), dan bus (29,22%), maka diprioritaskan angkutan pengumpan berupa kereta api untuk dibangun dahulu namun moda pengumpan lainnya dibangun secara simultan dalam proses pembangunan Bandar Udara Internasional Yogyakarta. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah moda pengumpan kereta api diprioritaskan dibangun dengan koordinasi antara PT Angkasa Pura I, Kementerian Perhubungan, dan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. The development of Yogyakarta City has been grown rapidly. It influences the passengers of Adisutjipto International Airport as the primary gate of tourist while visiting Yogyakarta. Therefore, the Adisutjipto International Airport has been overloaded since it was designed for 1,5 million passengers per year however nowadays, it has to accomodate 7,8 million passengers per year. The Angkasa Pura I Ltd, the flight enterprises in Indonesia, has planned new airport since 2005. It is Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) which is situated about 45 kilometers from Yogyakarta City. Inspite of that distance, the objectives of this research are designing the integrated transportation: train, bus, and private vehicle. The first step is the stated preference survey by interviewing 102 passengers of Adisutjipto International Airport while waiting the taking off. It can desribe about: gender, age, trip purpose, monthly income, and frequency of taking the flight in a month. Then, the preferency of scenes in train, bus, and private vehicle. Following this, it determines the number of passenger taking train, bus, and private vehicle while approaching the YIA from Yogyakarta City and forecasts the number of passenger at 2019 (the YIA's proposed time of operation). The next, designing the requirement of train station area, bus terminal area, and private vehicle parking lot. There is the stakeholder interviewing to: The the assisstant of Planning and Supervision of Work Unit and the assistant of Land Transportation Section of Transportation Bureau. It has purpose to validate the future plan of feeder transportation in YIA. The results showed that at 2019, the number of forecasted passenger is 11.378.507 passengers with the highest to lowest preferency of feeder transport are train (37,55%), private vehicle (33,23%), and bus (29,22%). It prioritises the train feeder to be built first however others are built simultaneously with the on going YIA's construction. In conclusion, the train feeder has to be built first by syncronising between Angkasa Pura I Ltd, Ministry of Transporation of Indonesia, and Ministry of Public Work and Housing of Indonesia.
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