[Relationship between biological variants of U. urealyticum and clinico-morphological manifestations of urogenital inflammation in experimental animals].

: Dependence of clinicomorphological changes in urinary and sexual organs of rats on biological variants of U.urealyticum (biovar Parvo or T960) used in experimental modelling of ureaplasmic infection by two variants: a) introduction in the sterile conditions of culture U.urealyticum (10(4)-10(6) U/ml) directly into the bladder by catheterisation b) infection of female anogenital region with culture U.urealyticum (10(6) U/ml) for 5 days and keeping healthy males and females together. Clinicomicrobiological and morphological evaluation of the urinary and sexual organs of the rats was made 3, 7, 14 and 30 days after the infection. Features of the inflammation were specified with reference to a certain biovar of U.urealyticum. Identity of U.urealyticun biovars used for infection and isolated from the urogenital organs of the test animals 14 and 30 days after the infection was confirmed microbiologically.
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