Concentration Dependent Thermal Diffusivity Measurement of Silver Nanofluids Prepared via Hibiscus Rosa Sinesis Using Dual Beam Thermal Lens Technique

A dual beam thermal lens technique is very effectively used to probe the thermal diffusivity of Silver nanofluids. Silver nanofluids are prepared using green synthesis of Hibiscus leaves. Sample solutions with different concentrations ranging from 0.3 mM to 1 mM were prepared. The UV-Vis absorption spectrum of prepared silver NPs shows an absorption peak around 425 nm indicating the presence of silver nanoparticles in the prepared solutions. In the dual beam thermal lens technique He-Cd laser (442 nm) was used as the pump beam and He- Ne laser (632.8 nm) served as the probe beam. It is found that the thermal diffusivity of silver nanofluid increases with increase in concentration
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